
things to do before 25 - banner

Well, guys. I am turning 25. weh.

After a bit of a whine (and a few glasses on wine), I realized I was having a quarter life crisis. What have I done with my life? Where am I now? What’s next? Have I accomplished anything I am proud of? FYI, I am Jewish Moroccan, so the parents are constantly asking about grandkids…(yikes!).

Although most people coin monetary value and a 9-5 job with health benefits as success, I have found my version of success else where-through travel. I have had 9-5 jobs, and I am currently working full time while managing this blog. But that’s not my success–my success is being able to relocate to Australia on my own and learn to start over.

Backpacking Southeast Asia (while being in a relationship and he still loves me after everything). Working for international companies. Working for Coachella. Traveling to 34 countries. Never having jury duty. Found my McDreamy (yes, that’s Jack!). Starting our blog. And ultimately, living a happy and exciting life. In the end, isn’t that what counts?

So ya, I sooked. I will still sook. But I am excited to see what the future brings!

So in honor of my 25th, here is a list of things to do before 25 (that I have done and still wish to do) that you have to try at least once before you are 25 or hey, even 30! :)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

1. Go Backpacking

I finally backpacked Southeast Asia last year!


2. Learn to Surf

adventures in your life surf

3. Live in another country

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adventures in life abroad jack

Jack lived in Hong Kong

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adventures in life abroad jenn

I lived in Australia!


4. Go to a global Music Festival

things to do before 25 - coachella

And in case you need a survival guide, we’ve been to quite a few!


5. Go Skydiving

things to do before 25 - skydive


6. Learn to Ski/Snowboard


7. Snorkel or Scuba dive

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adventures in life jenn
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adventures in life jack

8. Attend a crazy renown party

adventures in life full moon
We loved these parties in Southeast Asia, like the Full Moon Party!


9. Volunteer

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adventures in life volunteering
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adventures in life volunteer

10. Run a Marathon


adventures in life run


11. Have a tech detox

adventures in life paradise

12. Spin a globe and go where ever your finger lands

things to do before 25 - life globe

Source: Wifflegif.com


I have yet to do this. Let alone find a globe to do it with!


13. Try some crazy foods

life adventures food
So far I have tried scorpion, grasshopper, and Brussels sprouts ;) All very tasty!


14. Travel Alone

things to do before 25 - life in aus


I traveled to Australia on my own for the first time- Loved it! Also check out how studying abroad kickstarted these successful travel bloggers lives!


15. Stay up all night to watch the sunrise

adventures of life sunrise

16. Visit some famous landmarks

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life adventures big buddah

17. Love and be loved

adventures in life love
que the awwws!!


18. Experience heartbreak

things to do before 25 - hearbreak

19. Talk to one new person every single day

things to do before 25- friends

My new years resolution was to talk to 1 new person every day!


20. Try flight roulette

things to do before 25 - flights

Still have to try this!


21. Take a cooking class

adventures in life cooking

I wish we had done more, but we took an amazing cooking class in Vietnam!


23. Drink quality coffee, more often

things to do before 25 - coffee

Ugh, we love our coffee. No more Starbucks! ;)


24. Go to Disneyland

adventures in life disney

25. Work in an industry you love

things to do before 25 - life work

I used to work for Coachella. A dream of mine! I got paid to go, how does that even happen!


FREE Download: Get the Perfect SouthEast Asia Travel Checklist Send it to me!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Have you done any of these?


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