Want To Work With Us?

Who is Who Needs Maps:

We are Jack and Jenn from Who Needs Maps. We are a long distance couple from America and Australia, so we meet in the middle by traveling to make this relationship work!

We are thrill seekers, food lovers, world travelers, adventure finders, misadventure attractors, coffee fiends, music festival goers, full-time workers and a fun loving couple who just wants to explore the world together. We hope to inspire, inform and entertain people through our experiences and stories!

We have been featured on Huffington Post, Herald Sun, Hostel World, Thought Catalog, TourRadar and Matador Network.

Embrace the fun, enjoy the craziness, and let’s take on the world together! Happy travels :)

Check Out Our Stats!




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28+ countries

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Who We Worked For:

Companies we’ve worked with:

Brass Tag Restaurant in Utah
We Travel Far travel products
Le Family Riders tour in Vietnam
BonAppetour Share Economy Dining Experience
Audelicious Food Tour in Paris
Roomorama Our Stay in Paris
Newport Beach Wine  Tour
The Modern Honolulu Brunch
OzLotto – Destinations I dream to go to
Alaska Photo Treks – Northern Lights Tour
Eat Seattle – Food Tour

Our Promise

Our readers are sacred to us. We love you guys so we want to make a promise. We promise to NEVER sell our readers e-mails or personal information for marketing or any other purposes.

Each review and post we do will be clearly stated to our readers that they are partnership/sponsored opportunities – We want to be as transparent as possible with our readers.


Featured In:

A Southern Gypsy – Interview
Blaze your adventure – Interview
Expert Vagabond – Top Travel Blogs
Etramping – $25 or less in Vang Vieng
Fabulous Travel Guide – “Why I’ll never regret flirting with that Aussie ‘gay’ guy”
Fast Cover AU – Top Bloggers Share Their Travel Mishaps & Advice
Fleeting Life – El Nido City Guide
Flying the Nest – Bonfires on the Beach
Global Grasshopper – 10 Reasons I love Vietnam
Huffington Post – 14 Reasons Travelers are the best Employees
Huffington Post – Travel Photos vs Tourist Traps
Huge Party Travel – I cant believe I ate that
Jusztravel – 54 things we love about Southeast Asia
Lucys Miles Away– Romance on the Road
Mapping Megan – Making a Long Distance Relationship work
Matador Network – 8 Reasons Not to Date an Aussie Man
Pack Gear – 20 Superstar Travel Bloggers
Power Couple Life – Top 20 Snapchatters
Samantha En Route – Featured Blogger
Sea Salt Secrets – Travel Blushes: Pursuitful Pairs
Smashd Digital Magazine – Tech and Long Distance Relationships
The Broke Backpacker – How to Survive Traveling with your Partner
Thought Catalog – Why Travelers are the Best Candidates
TourRadar – Nomadic Couples to Follow
Twirl the World – Places We Didn’t Like
Two Monkeys Travel – Best Beers of Southeast Asia
Two Monkeys Travel – 15 Things we miss about Southeast Asia
Travefy – Love across the ocean: traveling as a couple
You Roam – 5 Travel Blog success stories

Guest Post Opps!

We love lists! Tell us all about the best of, the worst of, free things to do, the things you love, the things you hate, top things per city, 10 things you miss. WE LOVE LISTS OF ANY SORT!

If you’d like to write for us, please send us your idea and we would be happy to check it out!

Post requirements:

– Few photos to match the description
– Photos at a maximum 848 w.
– All social media links, including your blog (will include a FOLLOW link)
– Bio and Bio pic
– A happy attitude and a love for travel!

Here are some examples: Top Parties in SEAsiaTop Hikes5 Skills Learned in Thailand.

Work With Us!

We love working with other travelers, brands, and companies that we truly believe in. We are confident that we will make an awesome team :)

Opportunities we offer:

– Press and Social Media trips
– Social Media take overs
– Social Media Strategy
– Product, hotel, restaurant, tour reviews
– Brand ambassadors/product sponsorships
– Sponsored posts
– Giveaways to our readers
– Access to our Quality Photos
– Branded content
– Trip Advice and Hotel Bookings
– Freelance writing


Contact us at info@whoneedsmaps.com!

Or shoot us a Facebook message.

Happy Travels!

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