Hangover cures around the world banner
Have you ever been hungover? Ever been hungover in another country? Surely, you have because we surely have.

Oh, ya, we’ve all been there.

hangover memes
Sometimes we are so used to our home hangover remedies that it’s hard to find things that work when you travel! But we found some hangover cures all around the world- from Mexico to Australia, that will help you rid that terrible hangover.

Jenn from Who Needs Maps // Young coconut

When we traveled Asia and drank those nasty buckets in Thailand, Beer Lao in Laos, or Hanoi Vodka in Vietnam, we always cured those terrible hangovers with a young fresh coconut and a dip in the nearest cold body of water. We always drank a coconut (and ate the insides) and then threw ourselves into the ocean and it cleared the hangovers almost instantly! Didn’t hurt it was usually a gorgeous destination!

Coconut hangover remedies around the world

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Natasha & Cameron from The World Pursuit // Pickle Juice

Whenever I have a hangover, I always reach in the fridge for some pickle juice. Not only do I love the taste but the green juice actually replenishes your electrolytes. If you really want to get crafty you can start chasing your shots with pickle juice (much healthier than energy drink or juice). So when you are all dehydrated and dizzy from a fun night out make sure to drink some pickle juice.  This remedy can be found anywhere you can find some pickles – or where you can get cucumbers and vinegar.

Jonathan and Kach from Mr and Mrs Howe (Two Monekys Travel Group) // Ice Plunge

Growing up the Lake District in northern England, surrounded by rugged mountains and invigoratingly cold lakes, we found our hangover cure all around us. A 20 minute drive took us to the start of a tiny path and a 30 minute hike a hidden waterfall. At 18 years old, the only hangover cure we needed was a short walk to get the blood pumping and then dunk our heads under the icy-cold water with our feet in the plunge pool. Hangover cure – Cumbrian style!

Justin Walter from Justin Around the World // Biking from beach to beach

Hvar is known as the “party island” of Croatia and there’s a reason why! No matter the day of the week, there’s always a party. From kicking off the night at Hula Hula for sunset to dancing until sunrise at Carpe Diem prepare yourself for a good ole hangover. The best way to recover? Biking from beach to beach. A sweat-inducing ride along the stunning coastline offers endless opportunities to cool off in the water, perfect your tan and most importantly sleep off the booze as you prep for the next round.

justin hangover cure hvar
justin hangover cure beach

Danie from Like Riding a Bicycle // Weed

My ultimate hangover cure comes from Canada, where weed may not be quite legal yet (though it’s in the process), but is very accepted. Whenever I wake up feeling awful from the night before, I smoke a joint. That and copious amounts of water always save the day. I can’t tell you how in pain I was with hangovers in other countries where weed wasn’t so easily accessible!

Elaine Schoch from CarpeTravel // Aspirin and Multi Vitamins

When I travel, it’s a given we’re going to explore the local wine scene. Over the years I’ve come across a not-so-secret secret that will work in any country. Before crashing for the night take two aspirin, one multi-vitamin and drink a glass of water. If you’re still feeling bad in the morning force yourself to go for a run (for at least 15 minutes). I know, it’s not a yummy recipe for fried deliciousness on a plate but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten wiser and refuse to give up my wine.

carpetravel_elaineschcoh hangover cures around the world

Barbara Wagner from Jet Settera //Alka-Seltzer

My favorite hangover remedy is Alka-Seltzer. I initially bought Alka-Seltzer for cold, but I figured it was very effective for hang over as well. It consists of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), sodium bicarbonate and anhydrous citric acid. Aspirin cures any headache and sodium bicarbonate and the anhydrous citric acid helps me wake up and refreshes me. So far, this has been a life-saver for me and I have not found another remedy, that helps me so quickly and efficiently. I always keep a pack at home in case I need it.

Jack from Who Needs Maps // Vegemite Toast

After a big night back home, I always come home and make myself a vegemite and butter toast. Then, after I wake up, I make myself another one first thing in the morning. It is definitely a favorite hangover cure in Australia and something I miss in LA. Vegemite is actually made from yeast and is rich in B vitamins and folic acid which goes away when you drink heaps!

vegemite hangover cures around the world

(source, source)

Billie Frank from Santa Fe Travelers // Menudo

Many New Mexicans swear menudo is the best hangover cure. It’s on menus at many New Mexican restaurants on weekends. What is menudo you ask? It’s a spicy stew made with beef tripe. For the uninitiated, tripe is the cow’s stomach lining. It’s not for the squeamish! The tripe, which is a white and a bit spongy, is cooked with chile and posole (a corn product similar to hominy).

Julianna Barnaby from The Discoveries Of // Mexican Ojo Rojo

My favourite hangover cure is the Mexican Ojo Rojo. This is a bizarre but effective mix of clam juice, tomato juice, lime juice, Worcestershire sauce and beer. It is far tastier than it sounds and very effective! You can make it without clamato (the spiced clam and tomato juice that crops up in various forms around Mexico) but it’s actually much better with it. It’s now my go-to cure for those fuzzy mornings!

Mike Still from Live Travel Teach // Hangover soup

South Korea has a couple of hangover cures.  Most convenient stores sell hangover cure drinks and even ice creams that are supposed to be taken while you drink but if that hangover hits the next morning be sure to eat “Haejangguk”  It literally means “soup to chase a hangover” and is usually spicy with coagulated blood but there are many variations.  Last weekend I ate a mild version with lots of clams in it!
hangover soup best hangover remedies in the world

Fern Coll from The Salty Fern // Ojo Rojo

My hangover cure is from the tequila loving country of Mexico. Even though it has many different names depending on the area you are in, every Mexican swears by this liquid concoction. I know it as an Ojo Rojo (red eye), a mix of beer, Clamato juice, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, Lime, Salt and Maggi sauce. Sounds absolutely disgusting I know, but after living in Mexico for 3 years I am completely addicted!

Dave Anderson from Jones Around the World // Fresh Fruit Smoothie

My days in South-East Asia were filled with many long nights of drinking and dancing, and the one thing that always made me feel better was simply a Fresh Fruit Smoothie + a swim in the ocean!  On Gili Trawangan, Indonesia, there is this stand that sells delicious juices for around $1, and I’d have at least 1-2 per day!  It’s amazing how much better they can make you feel!  I’d always mix Avocado + Mango.  Might sound like a weird combo, but it’s delicious

hangover cure gili t

Roneth Politud from The Fickle Feet // Batchoy

In the Philippines, we cure hangover with hot soup. And Batchoy is on top of the list. It is a noodle soup made with pork organs, crushed pork cracklings, chicken stock, beef loin and round noodles. It is also good with egg! The warmth of the soup is relaxing and that little warmth goes a long way.

What’s your ultimate hangover cure?

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